Update from Jeff Orear ’78
I sold my dental practice/building and retired at the end of April. I’m currently experiencing the “what day of the week is it.” Syndrome, as every day seems like Saturday to me now! I’ve been doing a bunch of “Binge” flying, since now if it’s a nice day, I can literally take off and fly. Also have been spending more time with airplane project number 2, my Hatz Classic Biplane.

So as you see, I’m trying to adapt to this retirement thing as best I can.
Our second oldest daughter, Kelly, blessed us with the birth of our 4th grandson, Ronan Edward Callahan March 6th. He’s quite the chubby cheeked cutie.

He will no doubt enjoy get-togethers with our oldest daughter Melanie’s three boys Colon, Aidan and Bennet. One more grandson and we’ll have a heck of a basketball team!
This July we will welcome another son in law, Josh, into our family as our youngest daughter Megan is getting married on the 13th. Per usual, being an experienced father of the bride, I’m staying out of the planning and will show up where and when I’m told.
So as you can see, we’ve had a busy start to 2019.