2017 – Fall ’20 Class Letter
Class Agents:
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(650) 274-9231 / [email protected]
Dear Class of 2017,
A big theme in the COVID-19 era seems to be responsibility. We have a responsibility to take actions that protect those around us while we hold others responsible for their actions or lack thereof. We have a responsibility, then, to hold institutions that are bigger than us to higher standards. The paths forged by large institutions (such as Ripon, the College we are so lucky to call home) have wide-reaching effects on the lives of countless individuals. Ripon alumni do not take this task lightly, as evidenced by the abundance of outreach regarding Vice President Pence’s visit to campus in July.
After copious debate and consultation with select members of the Ripon community, President Messitte went ahead with hosting a high-risk event on campus. As the diverse community that it is, alumni of Ripon College reached out with opinions of all kinds on the event. From a public health standpoint, such a high-risk event should never have been considered in the first place. However, many of us alumni reached out with words of disdain, concern, and praise for President Messitte’s decision to rent space for the Trump campaign in July. We took seriously our stake in the College and our responsibility to share our perspectives with our alma mater when it comes to important decisions. We take pride in this, and we hope that everyone continues to take seriously our responsibilities to ourselves and others.
Class Notes:
KONNER FELDHUS ’17 of Des Moines, Iowa finished the first round of board exams and began the clinical years of medical school in August. He will be rotating at hospitals and clinicals all around the state of Iowa. #BlackLivesMatter
HANNAH MACKENZIE GALLIMORE ’17 of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and her spouse, Alex, had a baby boy, Oliver, in March. She loves spending time as a family!
WINONA HOLMES ROBBINS ’17 of Valparaiso, Indiana is a personal trainer at the Franciscan Health and Fitness Center.
ELIZABETH ERDMANN JULIAN ’17 of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin is the Assistant Director of Admissions Operations at Lakeland University.
NICHOLAS JULIAN ’17 of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin is an Account Executive at Jackson Kahl Insurance.
SUSAN SHIVELY CONDON ’17 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin writes, “Graduated with a Masters in Clinical Psychology (August of 2019). Married (July of 2019). Started my career at Red Oak Counseling, Ltd (April of 2019).”
DANAE MARIE TESCH ’17 of Seattle, Washington is expecting baby #2 this winter and is planning a move back to the midwest to be closer to family
BEN VALDEZ-HEMPEL ’17 of Washington, D.C. moved to a smaller (but nicer) place with two of his closest friends in January. He recently got a new job as a Program Associate for American Councils for International Education running communications for the alumni side of a high school student exchange program. He is still obsessed with soccer, and during quarantine he went on long bike rides to entertain himself. #BlackLivesMatter
BENJAMIN VORPAHL ’17 of Detroit, Michigan is entering the third year of dental school at the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry and beginning patient-care and clinical experiences!