2014 Fall ’18 Class Letter
Tim Holme
608.333.9526 / [email protected]
Mara Jensen Poullette
952.412.1420. / [email protected]
Naomi Jahn Skulan
920.342.7288 / [email protected]
Hey y’all!
As always, it’s been so fun getting to hear all of the amazing things that all of our classmates have been up to since the last updated. New jobs, new marriages, new children (and fur children!) – When did we become such full-blown adults? And can you believe that next year is our 5 year reunion already? I swear it was just yesterday that we were all chatting between classes in the pub (which is now “The Spot”… still not used to that), or hanging out together on our senior pub crawl for senior week.
I had the chance to get back to campus for Alumni Weekend this year, and I was amazed at how quickly all of the memories of time spent there came flooding back. I can only imagine all the fun we’ll have swapping stories at our reunion next year (get ready to be super annoyed with how much we push you all to come to Alumni Weekend 2019 (June 27-30) ☺)!
Keep killin’ it, class of 2014!
- JEREMY BROUWER ’14 got a job as a lighting artist at MPC – a major VFX studio in Montreal. He is currently working on a film for Disney that comes out in November.
- EMILY DOZIER ’14 started a new position in March of this year. She is the Adult Education Transition Coordinator at John Wood Community College in Quincy, Illinois. She and her husband do not have kids yet, so they have made travel a priority. They went to India last year and South Africa this year.
- SAMANTHA ANGELL ’14 got married to Josh Eastberg on June 2nd in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.
- BENJAMIN FIRGENS ’14 of State College, Pennsylvania, wrote a “Top Student Paper” titled “Medicating Nature: aldo Communication division of the National Communication Association.”
- AMANDA FINN HAGGERTY ’14 and her husband Kyle purchased a condo in Chicago and moved down in April. Amanda is now the Illinois editor and venue relations coordinator for Footlights Magazine and freelance writing.
- MADELINE SOCKNESS HERRMANN ’14 and MAX HERRMANN ’13 both graduated with their Master’s degrees in Quality Instruction this past May.
- KARLYE WEHNER ’14 got married to Marcus Krien on May 19th.
- AMANDA SPATCHEK ’14 started a new position in May as a Travel and Expense Specialist with the same company. Her husband and she adopted a kitten in the beginning of June.
- CAM PLANTZ ’14 writes that he “went to the moon and back. NBD.”
- MARA JENSEN POULLETTE ’14 and SAM POULLETTE ’13 both continue to work at Lakeland University in Sheboygan, Wisconsin in the student life and admission departments, respectively. Mara continues to work towards her Master’s in counseling with her emphasis in higher education counseling. They rescued their first dog, Arnie, in June and he is keeping them very busy.
- LINDSEY RIDLEY ’14 got married and had a baby boy.
- MAX ROY ’14 is now the Director of Operations for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Washington County. His wife, Cetonia, now works for Susan G. Komen as a Program Coordinator. Their son, Xavier, starts Junior Kindergarten in the fall. They are excited to spend their first summer in their new home in Wauwatosa.
- SUNNY STROEDE ’14 got engaged to Chaz Rufo in October of 2017 and moved to Stillwater, Oklahoma this past March. She is currently the Boutique Team Leader for the Lake View Pointe Francesca’s and is working to get her associates degree in accounting. She is still riding and showing APHA/AQHA horses as well.
- ELIZABETH WALSH ’14 is now a Ph.D. candidate in Entomology. She is still at Texas A&M University and is still into honey bees.