2013 – Fall ’21 Class Letter

2013 – Fall 2021 Class Letter

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Dear Class of 2013,

When I (ALI PELTIER ’13) was writing this Class Letter, I looked back on what I wrote for the Fall 2020 Letter. Reading it, I thought for sure we would be living in a world without masks, quarantining, working from home etc. by the time this was written, but I promise you I won’t dwell on the “new normal” (sorry, had to say it…) too much, and will move directly on to college updates and classmate’s news! 

Personally, not too much has changed since our last letter in my world. I am still working from home but starting to travel more (yay!) and still very slowly working my way through my MBA at the University of Iowa. My wedding is a year away, so my Type-A self is in full planning mode over here. So far, the highlight of the summer has been meeting up with some of my best friends in central Wisconsin for a week on the lake including SARA WIMMER KRAUSE ’12, LEXI GLISE HATLAK ’12, MARA JENSEN POULLETTE’14, ALLY BRETL ’14, and SARAH CARBALLO ’13.

Updates from Campus:

Alumni Weekend:

Alumni and guests from 29 states, including Alaska and Hawaii, were on campus, Aug. 6-8, representing the classes of 1961 to 2023, for the first-ever August Alumni Weekend after COVID-19 put a pause on campus events over the past 18 months. Save the date for Alumni Weekend 2022, which will go back to our traditional end of June date: June 23-26, 2022.

All class years ending in the numbers two or seven will be celebrating their Class Reunion this next summer at Alumni Weekend!

Campus upgrades:

The McCullough Family Lounge in Farr Hall of Science — a favorite location of students for studying and collaborative work — recently received an extreme makeover with the intent of making the space more contemporary and technologically friendly. The renovations were made possible by a lead gift from Trustee PHILIP MCCULLOUGH ’69/P’04, and his wife, Pat.

Also, a new Data Visualization Lab was installed in Todd Wehr Hall, which will be a great asset for our math and computer science departments. 


Our endowment recently hit an all-time high and as of Thursday, August 19, 2021, it was at $112 million.

Start of the Academic Year:

Classes started on Monday, August 30 and the academic year is in full swing with in-person classes. The College is continuing to follow CDC and Fond du Lac County Health Department guidelines regarding COVID safety protocols

Now, let’s get down to the fun stuff… and the reason you all (honestly) check out this Letter.

Class notes: 

AMIE PRUDHOMME DWYER ’13 of Watertown, Wisconsin, writes, “My husband, MATT DWYER ’10, and I moved to Watertown with our daughter in August 2021 after being in Missouri for seven years. MATT is a PE and Health teacher at Mayville, and I am a special education teacher at Fort Atkinson.”

SARAH CARBALLO ’13 of Cincinnati, Ohio, writes, “I finally completed my four-year ophthalmology residency with Rush University in Chicago in June! I then successfully moved to Cincinnati with the help of FLYNN MORONI 13, who braved a broken elevator on the sixth floor and a motley last-minute moving crew led by the mysterious (but effective) “Big Rob” all in the name of best-friendship. I started my LAST YEAR of training (aka 25th grade) completing a one-year cornea and external disease fellowship with my first choice of match – The Cincinnati Eye Institute. Next, I’ll be heading back home to sweet Milwaukee for my first big girl job in 2022, still ‘single as a Pringle’ with a great plant collection.”

KAYLYN FREEMAN MACKIN ’13 was married in April 2021, and hopes to start a family soon. 

CHRISTINA MOONEY ’13 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin writes, “Still single, and looking to mingle.”

MAYNA MUENCHOW ’13 of Westchester, Illinois, was promoted at work and, most importantly, got another fur baby!

ANDREA SLOSSER WORTH ’13 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin writes, “I completed my Doctoral Internship at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center and earned my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Wyoming! (Now to start paying off student loans…) My spouse, our dog, and I relocated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and I am now the Inpatient Geropsychology Postdoctoral Fellow at the Milwaukee VA Center Center.”

JEREMIAH RIDDILE 13 writes, “I got married! This past March, I married my long-term girlfriend WanRu, also known as Ruby. We had a small celebration in her hometown and we hope to have a more formal wedding next summer when Chinese borders open up for friends/family. This fall, I’ll start a new teaching position as a high school social studies teacher in the Chinese public school system. Otherwise, my last couple of years have been busy learning some Mandarin, traveling around China, and of course playing a little soccer when I can.

MATT ROHRBECK ’13 and DARCIE FIRST ’13 of Columbus, Wisconsin, recently got a rescue dog and named her Callie!

KATIE WILLIAMS ’13 earned her Reading Teacher 316 license and is putting it to good use working as a Reading Teacher for grades 3-5 in Reedsburg, Wisconsin. She lives in Portage, Wisconsin with TIM HOLME 14.

JENNA OSTROWSKI WRIGHT ’13 of Marshfield, Wisconsin, was married this summer after postponing twice last year due to COVID.

Stay safe and stay well, classmates!

(608) 228-0733

(971) 222-5905

(651) 399-4363