2011 Spring ’23 Class Letter
Dear Class of 2011:
Firstly, my apologies for not reaching out and asking for class updates. As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I think asking for updates twice a year is a bit much. What changes in six months time these days, anyways? Maybe I just lead a boring life, but once a year updates seem sufficient to me!
Classes started on January 17, 2023, this spring semester. I really think they should give all of us a winter break like college students get; I could definitely use a month off each year. Thanks to everyone who participated in #OneDayRally this past fiscal year.
Alumni Weekend is planned for June 22-25, 2023, and is always a fun time. If nothing else, at least come for the free beer the College provides. We paid enough in tuition that we deserve that. But honestly, it’s a good time and our class has a good amount of people turn up even in non-reunion years. If you haven’t been back in a while I think you’ll be surprised at how downtown Ripon has changed over the years. There are room blocks at Heidel House in Green Lake (Book here) and at Cobblestone Suites in Ripon (Call 920.748.5500).
If you’re unable to make it to Alumni Weekend this year, I encourage you to attend a Ripon happy hour or other event that’s hosted by the College in various cities across the U.S. It’s a good opportunity to reconnect with alumni in your area from various class years.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, updates, or just to chat. I’m trying to get better at reaching out, generally, and it’d be helpful to have some people spur me on.
Shane ’11
P.S. There will be a special giving event in conjunction with inauguration weekend, April 20-23, to celebrate Ripon’s 14th President, Victoria N. Folse, and the exciting momentum happening within our campus community. This event will be an extension of the #OneDayRally brand and experience. Stay tuned for more information. We look forward to your participation!