2010 – Fall ’20 Class Letter
2010 – Fall 2020 Class Letter
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(715) 853 6104 / [email protected]
Greetings Class of 2010,
What a change we have endured in the last six months. When we last wrote our spring Class Letter we were excited to know in only a few short months we would be united on campus, enjoying a drink on the Union lawn and in many of our favorite downtown Ripon spots. Almost a month after writing it we all saw the world change drastically. For some of us we are still in the same position as before except maybe working from home or acting as a teacher to your children. Unfortunately, we know there are those who have endured hardship with job loss or even health issues related to COVID-19. What should have been an exciting summer and an even more exciting reunion was cast into doubt and eventually pushed back to next year. We were given the option to join the Class of 2011 to celebrate both of our ten-year reunions together, and we think this is a great opportunity given the closeness of our two classes when we were students. Please save-the-date to celebrate our Tenth Reunion during the upcoming Alumni Weekend from June 22-27, 2021. We are hoping to see as many of you as possible!
Even with the hardships facing all of us today we have to remember to use what we learned through our classes and activities at Ripon College to propel us forward into the future. We saw this first hand through the generous giving of the Class of 2010. As a class we raised $5,801 for the Ripon Fund with 22% participation. This was a huge improvement from our previous reunion year in 2015.
Something that is striking is the improvement from 2015 even with everything going on in the world. We supported the Ripon Fund to help Ripon with educating the students of tomorrow and also adapt to the current environment. We are very proud of what we have accomplished and hope to continue to make improvements year after year. Without support from alumni like us Ripon could face closure like many private liberal arts colleges in the last few years.
With the fall weather quickly approaching we only have a few more weeks to soak up the summer sun. Get outside and enjoy the time you have with friends and family before another brutal midwest winter is upon us. We hope everyone stays safe and healthy through these challenging times. Cannot wait to see you next year at the Union!
Class notes:
JEFF DAVIS ’10 and GWENDOLYN CASEY DAVIS ’12 of Stoughton, Wisconsin welcomed their daughter, Beatrice Elspeth Davis, on April 23, 2020. Everyone is doing well and both Clyde and his sister Fionnoula are excited to be a big brother and sister.
TOMISSA PORATH FREISLEBEN ’10 and DAVE FREISLEBEN ’07 of Monona, Wisconsin welcomed their son, Henry, in July 2020. Their family is excited to one day tell their son that despite being born in July, he was born on the second season-opener of the Milwaukee Bucks season.
KATHERINE HARTSTERN ’10 of Quincy, Illinois is a resident physician at Blessing Hospital.
THERESA MAE KEDINGER ’10 of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin writes, “Extended a third year with Peace Corps Costa Rica and will finish in June 2020.”
1LT BRUCE KUKOWSKI ’10 and JULIE KUKOWSKI ’08 live in Raeford, North Carolina. Bruce is currently training in the U.S. Army Special Operations Captain’s Career Course in the Civil Affairs Team Leader pipeline.
PHILIP MACK ’10 of Appleton, Wisconsin is a lecturer and PhD student at Marquette University (ABD).
JACOB MARSHALL ’10 of Ripon, Wisconsin welcomed baby Keller Marshall into the world on February 11th weighing 6lbs. 8oz. and 20-inches long. Keller joins big brother Woodson in the Marshall brood.
AXEL OWEN ’10 of Mount Laurel, New Jersey was the political director of the New Jersey Democratic State Committee from 2018 to 2019, and more recently became the organizing director in New Jersey for presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg. Axel and Amber Margentina celebrated their wedding on January 31, 2019. They have also welcomed a son, Oliver, to this world.
ANDREW PECK ’10 and JESSICA MANN PECK ’10 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin had a baby boy, Reed Xavier Peck, on December 28, 2019.
Our best regards,