2004–Fall ’18 Class Letter


Nick Spaeth

262.227.6097/[email protected]


Greetings Class of ’04,


Back in June, at the last minute, I had the opportunity to swing by campus for the annual Alumni Weekend. I made it for just the Saturday evening festivities, and I’m glad I did! It had been a few years since I’d been on campus and it was great to reconnect with old friends from the ’03 class as they were celebrating their 15 year reunion. Especially interesting was the number of alumni there not just celebrating a milestone year. Made for some fun conversations! Miller’s was packed, as usual, but there’s a lot more to the town, and campus, than you might remember.


You’ll see below that there aren’t many updates this time around. A special nod of congrats to Kristen on her accomplishment, and not just because it’s the only update! 😉


In light of the limited updates, consider this Class Letter your Save-The-Date for our 15th year reunion next summer, June 27-30, 2019. Please consider attending; it is a special milestone. Do yourself the favor of getting a classmate or two to commit to coming as well and you’ll be sure to have a great time. I look forward to catching up then, if not sooner.


As always, thanks for taking the time to read. Be sure to pass along any of your updates to [email protected]. And don’t forget to mark your calendar for our 15 year class reunion in June of 2019.




Class Notes:


KRISTEN MCCULLOUGH GRANCHALEK ’04 of Chicago, Illinois, writes: “In November, my dad, PHIL MCCULLOUGH ’69, CHRIS OGLE ’80 (Dean of Students at Ripon), and I released a little book: Mental Health and the Adaptation to College. It’s available on Amazon.”