2002 – Fall ’21 Class Letter
2002 – Fall 2021 Class Letter
Class Agent:
(502) 269-5577 / [email protected] / [email protected]
Dear Class of 2002:
Please mark your calendars for our upcoming Alumni Weekend and 20th Class Reunion: June 23-26, 2022. Your help in planning our Reunion would be greatly appreciated. We are looking for classmates to be on our planning committee, as well as to help reach out to classmates to get them excited about attending our Reunion. Please email [email protected] if you can help. The more the merrier!
As all of you read in our last Class Letter, LEIGH MLODZIK ’02 has accepted a position at Simpson College as their Vice President for Enrollment. He has since expressed that he would like to have someone else take over the role of co-Class Agent, and we are actively seeking one or two interested individuals. As his fellow Class Agent, I want to thank LEIGH for doing a wonderful job of helping to keep us all connected over the years. Thank you, LEIGH, for your service and we hope we will get to thank you in person at our Class Reunion in June!
What does it take to be a Class Agent? We write a Class Letter each fall and spring, and we include updates from classmates as we receive them. Being a Class Agent gives us a direct line of communication with a staff member at Ripon College, and we collaborate closely with the Office of Constituent Engagement to write Class Letters. The College will take care of sending out Class Letters both through email and through snail mail.
Here are some reasons why you may want to consider being a Class Agent:
- You will have unique opportunities to get information, often before our general alumni population, and you will get to know campus staff and administration on a more personal level.
- You will help the College keep track of the contact information of classmates, helping ensure that all of us get to keep in touch. This is also important to help keep classmates connected to the larger Ripon College family.
- It feels good to give back to your Alma Mater in such a tangible way.
If you are interested in becoming a Class Agent or you simply want to learn more about this opportunity, email JOLENE RUEDEN SCHATZINGER ’07, associate director of engagement at [email protected], or you can call her at (920) 748-8354. You can also email me (CORRYN) directly to inquire about the Class Agent position at [email protected]. Because we are celebrating a Class Reunion this summer, I am really hoping that we can have the co-Class Agent position filled as soon as possible. Thank you for considering this opportunity.
Now for some general College updates.
Previous fiscal year review:
A record-breaking 2,087 donors from all around the world supported Ripon’s fourth annual giving day on April 28, known as #OneDayRally, reminding us all that, regardless of the circumstances, Red Hawks come together.
Thank you to the over 3,600 donors who supported the College this past fiscal year through the Ripon Fund and other initiatives, including those of you from our Class of 2002!
Campus upgrades:
The McCullough Family Lounge in Farr Hall of Science — a favorite location of students for studying and collaborative work — recently received an extreme makeover with the intent of making the space more contemporary and technologically friendly. The renovations were made possible by a lead gift from Trustee PHILIP MCCULLOUGH ’69/P’04, and his wife, Pat. Also, a new Data Visualization Lab was installed in Todd Wehr Hall, which will be a great asset for the math and computer science departments.
The College’s endowment recently hit an all-time high and as of August 19, 2021, it was at $112 million.
Start of the academic year:
Classes started on Monday, August 30 and the academic year is in full swing with in-person classes. The College is continuing to follow CDC and Fond du Lac County Health Department guidelines regarding COVID-19 safety protocols. More information on the College’s COVID-19 response and current procedures can be found at this link: ripon.edu/coronavirus-information/.
Links that may be of interest:
News stories published by the College: ripon.edu/news/
The latest Ripon Magazine, which includes features of alumni and faculty: ripon.edu/about-ripon/publications/
Class of 2002 Class Notes:
JOHN BITTER ’02 of Cedarburg, Wisconsin, held a rockin’ fundraiser called “Perms for Preemies” to support the March of Dimes. Spoiler alert: He did get a perm!
CORRYN SIEGEL GREENWOOD ’02 of Orland Park, Illinois, writes “I will start the new year in a new role as medical director of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox, Illinois. This is the closest hospital to our house and I will be leading the team as we apply for designation as a level III NICU, the highest designation that Illinois recognizes. I look forward to a shorter commute and the challenges my new role will bring. In sad news, our nearly 11-year-old vizsla, Otis, died this spring. Fortunately, we were able to get a new puppy to keep our other dog, Cooper, company. Nash is now six months old and he is crazy.”
TARIK LEBBADI ’02 of Vancouver, Canada, became the Chief Operating Officer of MINDCURE Health Inc. in March. MINDCURE is a leader in advanced proprietary technology for psychedelic therapy. Read more at www.mindcure.com/news/mindcure-names-tarik-lebbadi-as-chief-operating-officer.
MELISSA KUBAI ’02 of Ames, Iowa, shares “I recently accepted a position in April 2021 at Iowa State University- College of Veterinary Medicine as an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology. My position involves training ophthalmology residents, interns, and veterinary students. I have enjoyed returning to my Midwestern roots and the four seasons after spending seven years in Tucson, Arizona. I continue to remain active by participating in Triathlons. My next goal is a full Ironman after successfully completing a half Ironman in 2019.”
RYAN RADTKE ’02 of Chesterfield, Virginia, and his family moved from California to Virginia in August of 2020. He is the pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church in Mechanicsville.
I look forward to hearing from all of you. Whether you want to submit a news note, or you would like to become our newest Class Agent, or you are interested in volunteering for our Class Reunion, I would love to hear from you. Keep in touch!
Your Class of 2002 Class Agent,