1999 – Spring ’23 Class Letter
Class of 1999,
Greetings from Washington State and Vermont. We received no updates from our classmates since the fall Class Letter was published. Please email or call me or CHRISTINE if you have anything you would like to share in a future letter. You can also call the Ripon College Office of Constituent Engagement at (920) 748-8126 or email [email protected]. Our new Engagement and Communications Specialist is SAVANAH COUSERT ’22 and her email is [email protected].
Alumni Weekend is scheduled for June 22-25! More information about the event and activities occurring during Alumni Weekend will be available at alumni.ripon.edu/alumni-weekend soon. There are room blocks at Heidel House in Green Lake (Book here) and at Cobblestone Suites in Ripon (Call 920.748.5500). There will also be rooms available on campus starting in April.
A total of 23 members from the Class of 1999 donated funds to Ripon College between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Donations to the Ripon Fund help provide support to every aspect of campus. There will be a special giving event in conjunction with Inauguration weekend, April 20-23, to celebrate Ripon’s 14th President, Victoria N. Folse, and the exciting momentum happening within our campus community. This event will be an extension of the #OneDayRally brand and experience. Stay tuned for more information. We look forward to your participation.
Mike ‘99
(617) 512-5753
Christine ‘99
(252) 367-9335