1996-Spring ’19 Class Letter
Class Agent: Jason Wood
Spring 2019
Happy Spring Class of 1996!
We survived another winter, and what a winter it was for everyone in the Midwest. During the “polar vortex” of January, it made me think of what we would have done if that happened while we were attending Ripon. I think the four years while we were there, the college never shut down completely (I know, it is Wisconsin). And any when we did have a lot of snow we would just take a tray from the commons to go down the hill behind Bovay or randomly do snow angles in the snow. I don’t think we ever had to deal with that cold of weather. And I can’t even fathom attempting to walk from upper campus to lower campus.
Over the past couple months I wasn’t able to see as many people as I would like to see from Ripon BUT I still got to see a handful; a nice brewery tour with LORI JUEL BERGERON ’95, a casual meeting with AMY TINCHER-DURIK ’96 in New York City and many adventures (and shenanigans) throughout the states Massachusetts and Wisconsin with JOAN GRZESINSKI ’96 and KYRSTEN KOEBACH ’96. It is always great to be with these people who we have known for more than half of our life (I know, dating ourselves). They are the people you can just be yourself and pick up that conversation like no time has passed. And that is one of the things I will always cherish about my experience at Ripon College.
Lastly, remember that even though it isn’t our reunion year that you are welcome to attend the events held head on campus during Alumni Weekend, June 27-30. The college hosts a wonderful weekend and is open to all alumni with lots of different activities. Thanks to everyone that keeps us posted on Facebook, Instagram and the other social medias out there with family pictures, amazing adventures or the crazy status update at 2am. It is wonderful to keep track of each other and their lives even though we might not see each other that often.
Here is to a great summer!!!
Jason Wood
Class of 1996