1993 – Fall ’20 Class Letter


(651) 259-3459 / (215) 704-6478 / [email protected]

Hi All,

I hope you are all doing well and staying safe and healthy! Make sure that you’re checking in on www.ripon.edu and/or social media for the latest College updates.

Here’s some news from our classmates:   

LAURA SCHULTZ ’93 of Pitman, NJ, writes that August 13 was her one-year anniversary of working as a data scientist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Congratulations, Laura!

ANDREA CECCHI YOUNG ’93 of Irvine, CA, says “My eldest son, Alex, graduated from Yale in May with a degree in neuroscience and just started medical school at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL. My other son, Chris, will be a sophomore at University of California-Riverside.”

Andrea said she loves kid updates, so I promised her that I would include an update on mine: my son, Ian, will be in 8th grade this year and my daughter Melia will be in 5th. Their school district decided to start the year with a hybrid learning plan, so they will be going to school two days/week and distance learning 3 days/week. I am working from home, so this is not a huge issue for us—but yet it is a pretty huge issue. This year has put strains on every single one of us, everywhere! My kids are glad to be able to go to school, see their friends, and have a somewhat normal classroom experience, although they wish it would be ‘back to normal.’ (Don’t we all!) I keep reminding them that this is something none of us has experienced before, and we’re going to have to meet each new challenge knowing that the information we have might change and our schedules might change, and we have to be willing to be flexible.

I know that there’s amazing stuff going on out there among all of you, so send your updates—we’d love to hear from you! Make sure you keep your contact information updated so you don’t miss any Ripon news. Contact the Alumni Office directly with changes at [email protected] or via U.S. mail to Alumni Office, Ripon College, P.O. Box 248, Ripon, WI 54971. Or, contact me and I’ll get your info to Ripon for you.

Be safe, be well–
