1988 – Fall ’19 Class Letter
David Jonas
202-251- 9640 / [email protected]
Kathy Wade
248-470-4336 / [email protected]
Greetings classmates from David! I was just reminded that 35 years ago we were just celebrating our proms and graduation from high school. Several of my classmates from high school have posted a Facebook page and posed the question of getting together, but when I asked on the page what was already planned it was like “radio silence.” Having gone to a school with 400 students in my class, you would think there would be someone out there with some ideas (besides me). Of course, who doesn’t want to visit Chicago in the middle of the summer (HEAT WAVE). I don’t think I have been back to a high school class reunion ever!
Social media has made the connection of classmates from Ripon and high school seem like we just saw each other yesterday. I feel more connected and am able to follow professors, classmates and the school itself. But Ripon with its small class sizes and location made the friendships formed while in school more lasting and the draw to stay connected easier.
I would like to share an invitation to the first-ever (or at least since I have lived in
D.C./Baltimore, 19 years) Ripon Rally Hour at my house Nov. 21 in Baltimore. The D.C. region was looking for locations and if you are in Philly, New York, D.C., Delaware or visiting from out of town, please stop by it really is just a short Uber/drive (or train ride to Penn Station). Really! Email me if you would like to rsvp at [email protected].
MARCIA LIBBY NACHREINER ’88: “I have been teaching elementary music to grades 1-5 for the past three years in Poynette, Wisconsin. Next year it will be grades K-4 in preparation for the move to our new school in 2020. I have two children in college now. Randy is at UW-Parkside and Libby is at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota. My youngest, Linnea, will be a junior in high school this fall.”
CARL TOMPKINS ’88: “I quit my job last year and used my GI Bill to get a paramedic license. I am almost done. If you want to reach me, my email address is [email protected].”
WADE WICKUS ’88:“We live in Cincinnati Ohio. Almaluna is 5 and Mateo is 7. Maryliana and I are having a blast in Ohio with the kids. We go to Wisconsin every Fourth of July. My email is: [email protected] should anyone want to be old-fashioned and email me vs Facebook.
“I created a Brockway Bash page on Facebook to keep those memories alive. There are some great nuggets out there. If anyone has other pictures or other things to post, please let me know. I am happy to do so.”
MICHELLE EBERT WITT ’88: “I’m still keeping in regular contact with MARIE MATTIA ’88, PHIL TROBAUGH ’88 and PAT GONYO ’88. Coming back for Alumni Weekend was special this year to see KATHRYN SCHULTZ ’89 receive a Distinguished Alumni Award. Being invited to sing the Alma Mater at the Saturday luncheon with her and other folks from ’89/’90 was a real treat! It was my first time back not on a class reunion year and it was just as interesting to see people I spent at least three years with at Ripon. I highly recommend coming back for a visit if it has been a while.”
In closing, we want to thank everyone who contributed to the 2018-2019 Ripon Fund.