1987–Spring ’18 Class Letter
Class Agents:
Dorrie Smith Scranton
860-455-6108 / [email protected]
Chris Templeton
(312.402.6207/[email protected]
Spring 2018
Greetings, Class of 1987!
I hope this update finds you all doing well. We’re certainly looking forward to the spring and summer seasons after a cold, snowy winter. Here’s some news from our classmates. Please keep your news and updates coming!
Class Notes:
KIA KJENSRUD LABRACKE ’87 was featured on the cover of the American Academy of Pediatrics AAP News in recognition of the Wisconsin Chapter AAP’s strategic advocacy efforts during the health care policy debate. WIAAP orchestrated social media campaigns and “Days of Action” to mobilize physician members in contacting legislators. The chapter lobbied for funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Maternal, Infant and and Early Childhood Home Visiting program (MIECHV). In 2018, she will co-lead a quality improvement grant to improve HPV vaccination initiation rates in Wisconsin and Illinois. She joined the chapter in 2007, and was elected recently to the national AAP Executive Directors Steering Committee of Naperville, Illinois. Great Job, Kia!
MAUREEN FARRY DOLAN ’87 of St Paul, Minnesota, writes about a fantastic trip that she and her husband, JAY DOLAN ’85 took to Denmark and Sweden as the volunteer trip coordinator chaperoning 94 soccer players (including their son)!
RICK FOSS AND MISSY LEAHY FOSS ’87 tell us that their son, Sam, is currently a sophomore at Ripon and in is currently living on 4th floor Scott in the very same room that Rick shared with KEN GRANT ’87 our freshman year. Sam has the benefit of an elevator! Must make it a whole lot easier to carry textbooks!
CAROL RAVITZ ’87 was just named rookie of the year for Southern Arizona Caldwell Banker. Congratulations, Carol!!
DORRIE SMITH SCRANTON ’87 recently featured her watercolors and other selections of her artwork at a local gallery near her home in Woodstock, Connecticut.
CHRIS TEMPLETON ’87, following up on a live long dream, has relocated to a small town in the mountains of Southwest Colorado and is honing her skills backcountry hiking and chopping wood and is looking forward to learning to fly fish.
All the best,
Dorrie and Chris