1979–Fall ’18 Class Letter
Kevin L. Warmack
773-220-5360 / [email protected] / [email protected]
June 27, 2018
Greetings All,
I last wrote on February 27, 2018 (4 months ago). I just left Ripon College this past weekend after Alumni Weekend and began the “Countdown to 40” for next June 27-30, 2019 when the Class of 1979 celebrates our 40th (can you believe it!!) year since walking out of Ripon. But before that, I’ll give you the rundown on this past weekend, notes from our classmates, and then I’ll start getting ideas for next year.
Alumni Weekend:
Alumni Weekend was good. Some differences in that the registration was in the Commons as opposed to the Pub (now called “The Spot.” Yes, I know, there is only one Spot!! But these are the times…) The Alumni Awards Dinner was its usual self with everyone giving great speeches. One of the highlights of the evening was when JOSE ALEMAN ’78 (Yes, those wild Panamanians were back) received a Distinguished Alumni Citation and spoke, “When I was a student here, the walls in the world were beginning to be torn down. Now here in America, we see that they are building walls. Let’s tear down those walls!!”
I attended “That was Then” in Todd Wehr, Room 104. While the stories were good, it still didn’t have the pizazz of SUE ANGELL SCHMIDT ’80 (Come back, Sue!!). Now the highlight, during the All-Campus March from the top of the hill to Harwood Union, I carried the Class of 1979 sign and, of course, held up the “4 beers” sign!! So come and join me and hold up the 4 Beers!!
So here is some Class of 1979 News.
Class of 1979 News and Notes:
BILL AINSLIE ’79, ADELE BINNING’79, and BILL CLAPP ’79 attended the retirement celebration for Skip Wittler. Skip retired after 40 years of teaching. I still recall his class of Biology 111 at 8:00 a.m.
MIKE ZAHN ’79 writes, “We have 12 sheep, 2 goats, 9 chickens, 15 turkeys, a dog, and a cat on our little 10-acre hobby farm. And 12 grandchildren. I’m still an Account Manager for a local company. I’ve been honored to have had a few opportunities to preach in the last six months as well.”
40th Reunion Planning:
Remember when we used to type “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country”? Well, I’m adapting this to state that now is the time for us to begin planning what our 40th (can you believe it, we’re as old as our parents were at this time!!) Reunion Party is going to be. I’m expecting quite a few of us to show up and celebrate. So, I’m looking for volunteers. You can let me know by e-mail, carrier pigeon, snail mail, smoke signals, text, sms, etc.
As always, it is a pleasure to write to y’all. Special thanks to Beth Nemecek for those Facebook posts from the College. Let’s plan to get together soon. By the way, I may be in your neighborhoods (work travel). So watch out for a reach out for a beer or 3!!
Also, when you got news, don’t hold on, drop me a note so I can make your Class Letter the best!!!
Love Always,