1974 – Spring ’23 Class Letter
Hello from the suburbs of Chicago, where we have had a very strange winter so far. At the moment, there is no snow, the temperatures are relatively mild, and the early spring bulbs are starting to show. Only the snow lovers are complaining!
Up north, “far within Wisconsin’s prairie”, Ripon has had its share of snow and cold, but I know plans are being made for Alumni Weekend, June 22-25, 2023. The Class of ‘73 is hard at work planning their 50th Reunion, and they have graciously invited us to join them. I know many of us have good friends in that group, so I hope you will make plans to be there for the fun. It will be wonderful to meet up and celebrate with old friends – in fact, it will be a blast! There are room blocks at Heidel House in Green Lake (Book here) and at Cobblestone Suites in Ripon (Call 920.748.5500).
MARY FERRIS GRAY ‘74, has moved to Indiana! Her new address is: 3703 Mansfield Drive, Brownsburg, IN 46112. They settled in just before the holidays, and Mary says being close to her family – especially the grandkids- is just the best. Hope to see you in Ripon this summer!
BARB BLECHLER FLYNN ‘74, and her husband, Jim, both retired on January 1, 2023. I predict lots of fun times ahead, and I hope they include a trip to Alumni Weekend.
RICK GLAD ‘74 also retired in December, 2022. I imagine there will be lots of hunting and fishing trips in his future, but I hope he makes time to join us in Ripon.
VIRGIL STUCKER ‘74 writes that he has sold his therapeutic consulting practice but will still act as consultant to the new owners as they grow the practice. Virgil says he will be stepping away slowly but welcomes email from any of us who may have questions about these services.
I am deeply saddened to report the passing of two of our dear classmates.
LINDA LANDIN KAROW ‘74, of Silver Spring, Maryland, died on December 1, 2022 after heart surgery. Survivors include her husband, Jay, one son and one daughter.
GEORGE SENTENEY ‘74, of Madison, Wisconsin, died on December 28, 2022. Survivors include his wife, Sukanya, and one daughter.
In closing, I’d like to thank everyone who has continued to remember Ripon with annual gifts to the Ripon Fund. One of the reasons I encourage all of you to return to Ripon is to see the amazing transformation your gifts have made to the various dorms and campus buildings, and to the overall look of the campus in general. You would be proud of how it looks, and to know that your gifts are enabling a whole new generation of students to benefit from a quality Ripon education. I truly hope you will come back to campus and “feel the love” that’s still there.
Stay healthy and happy,
Jan ‘74
P.S. There will be a special giving event in conjunction with inauguration weekend, April 20-23, to celebrate Ripon’s 14th President, Victoria N. Folse, and the exciting momentum happening within our campus community. This event will be an extension of the #OneDayRally brand and experience. Stay tuned for more information. We look forward to your participation!