1972 – Spring ’22 Class Letter
Greetings, Class of 1972!
Dear Classmates,
I trust that this letter finds you and your loved ones well. Daylight is getting longer each day, which could only mean that spring is fast approaching. As winters go, this one has been relatively mild here in New York City: although it can be in the 60s one day and 31 with snow the next… I find myself musing about the severe, snowy Wisconsin winters between 1968 and 1972. The last 50 years have gone all too quickly. I hope that many of you will return to campus to celebrate this milestone during Alumni Weekend, which is planned for June 23-26, 2022. I am sharing a picture from the All Alumni March during Alumni Weekend in 2002 to help the memories of fun times at past Reunions begin to flow! It would be great to have as many of you as possible attend.
There are so many strong bonds within our class and within surrounding classes. During the past year, I have heard from our Ripon College Family as far back as the Class of 1969 and as recent as the Class of 2010. It was great to see SHARON WALTON ’73 on her recent visit to New York. GARY LEDERER ’72 and JEAN KIRKPATRICK LEDERER ’73, hosted classmates LINDA BRASSINGTON DANIELS ’72, AL GASIOREK ’73 and LYNNE HORNE GASIOREK ’72 in Bonita Springs, Florida. GARY and JEAN also enjoyed dinner in late January with TOM ALTHOLZ ’72 and SUELLEN “SUDY” REIGLE ALTHOLZ ’73. I am sure that there have been several mini-reunions as we all start to travel more after COVID-19 distancing.
We are still asking for volunteers to join in the planning of our Class Reunion. The College has assigned staff to work with us to make Alumni Weekend a memorable event. If you are unable to serve on the committee, we ask you to let us know as soon as possible if you are likely to attend our Class Reunion on Saturday, June 25. Please encourage at least one other classmate that you would love to see to be there as well. Here is a link to the 50th Reunion Survey: alumni.ripon.edu/50threunion that you can fill out online, or enclosed in this Class Letter is a hard copy of the survey that you can fill out and return with the envelope provided. The information from this survey as well as any pictures received will be used to create our 50th Reunion Memory Book. You can also scan pictures and email them to [email protected]. Be sure to include a short description of the picture and write 50th Reunion Memory Book in the subject line of the email. All individuals who contribute to our Memory Book will receive a complimentary copy at our Class Reunion. The Memory Book will be sent to you if you cannot attend our Reunion in person and you submit information for it.
Trustee MARK FRANZEN ’83 is leading the entire Ripon community, along with the Presidential Search Firm Russell Reynolds in the search for our 14th President. The next President of Ripon College should be named in the next couple of months. In the meantime, Dr. Andrea Young continues to serve as Interim President.
I would like to thank all of you who have supported Ripon College in the past and ask that you make a contribution this year in celebration of our 50th Class Reunion. You will hear more about this from SUE MIJANOVICH KEY ’72 who has graciously agreed to lead the Class Gift effort.
Your Class Agent,
Your 1972 Class Agent