1963–Fall ’18 Class Letter


Wayne Wolfgram

313-882-1712 / [email protected]


Greetings Classmates,

Well, it’s been 55 years since we received our diplomas, said goodbye to classmates and began our adult lives. It sure flew by. I hope this finds everyone in good health and enjoying their “golden years.”

TERRY BOOTH ’63 of Kenilworth, Illinois ([email protected]) writes, “Only a few from our class made it to the 55th reunion, but it was still a fun time. Besides me and my wife Carol, DAVE NEUBAUER ’63 and wife Linda helped celebrate our class coming in 4th place among reunion class donors. The class donation per attendee was surely in 1st place. We all had dinner with MARCIA MACLEISH HIGGINS ’63 and JUD HIGGINS ’62, who live nearby in Green Lake. President Zach Messitte earlier led a state of the college discussion suggesting Ripon still values a liberal arts focus versus professional preparation, but it does mean graduate school for many (as it did for me).

I almost didn’t go, since the college lumps all classes after the 50th reunion into a big ‘Golden R’ punchbowl of grey hairs. So the 55th wasn’t as special or highlighted as the 50th, but we still had a delightful dinner. If the college ever decides to promote the over 50th reunions, I still may try the 60th.

Can you imagine, the state of the college discussion had people lamenting that the quads were still there despite being built “in the 80’s.” Someone else spoke up and said “Oh no, they were built in the 70’s.” I held my tongue, but of course they were there when our class of ’63 arrived. It does date our generation doesn’t it. The younger classes were remembering famous alumni, headed by AL JARREAU ’62 and HARRISON “HARRY” FORD ’64. But Al’s now gone – so sad – and perhaps an honorary degree might persuade Harry to show his head on campus again – I’d go back for that if it included Alumni.”

JUDY ELLICSON KOVARIK ’63 of Aurora, Illinois ([email protected]) writes, “DICK KOVARIK ’64 and I are both doing fine. Dick has been retired for a full year. We had a cruise through the Panama Canal in April. Our oldest grandson, Charlie, graduated from Butler University in May, and is gainfully employed. Our other 5 grandchildren are all doing well. We have not seen anybody from Ripon, except the neighbors, one who graduated in 1953 and PAT CARSON ’60.”

I am headed to Brisbane, Australia for my niece’s wedding and a family reunion. All my six siblings, including my brother DAN WOLFGRAM ’69 and his wife JOAN KNUTSON WOLFGRAM ’69 will be there. It will no doubt be interesting listening to Aussie comments regarding U.S. politics.

Have a great summer everyone!