1959 – Spring ’21 Class Letter
1959 – Spring 2021 Class Letter
Greetings, Class of 1959!
It has been an interesting year for my wife, Sandy, and me. We presently live in the very small town of Superior, Montana, with a population of just 800 people. And, I am happy to say that our county has not had one death due to COVID-19. I have been working on the publicity campaign on the Documentary on my life that is presently being accepted into film festivals throughout the United States. And, even one in Italy. The documentary is titled “David Mirisch – The Man Behind the Golden Stars.” The rest of the day I spend time with my daughter and our three grandchildren, watch Netflix movies, read some books, and donate my time to help nonprofits in Montana and Idaho with their future fundraising events. I am so blessed that I am still healthy and strong.
How are you, dear classmates? Please send me any news or updates that I can share in our future Class Letter.
Here are our most recent class notes:
RONELL ANDERSON ’59 of Glen Mills, Pennsylvania, writes, “Hi Dave, who could have guessed such a thing as being hit with this pandemic? I feel the worst for my two youngest grandchildren who are in college virtually now. Sadly, they are missing the college experience that we were so fortunate to have…. the inspiring teachers like Dr. Tyree, the fraternity and sorority bonding, the dances, the Spring Sing, the athletics. We had such a great time. As a widow, I have given up our house and moved to an independent living apartment in a complex called Maris Grove. Until the virus hit, the social life was fun and vibrant. A group of ten widows ate together and participated in lots of the 109 different group activities that are offered. Since COVID-19 hit I have been in and out of quarantine as contact has dictated. I have read lots, painted, and connected with others interested in antiques, decorating, and collecting…. especially early valentines from the 1800s. I still work as a consultant and appraiser of antiques. I would love to hear from more fellow Ripon friends. My address is 405 Oakleaf Terrace, Glen Mills, PA 19342.”
DAVID HILL ’59 and his wife of Saint Petersburg, Florida, have been enjoying their time at home reading and watching Italian and French TV programming. Because of COVID-19 they had to cancel two overseas vacations.
Some sad news to share:
THOMAS E. SHARP ’59 of Ripon, Wisconsin, died Oct. 17, 2020. He was a certified electronic technician and repaired televisions and radios for several area firms, including Johnson’s TV, Ruby’s TV, Paul’s TV and Dan’s Audio Plus. He served on the church council of Our Savior’s United Church of Christ and was treasurer for five years. He also was a member of Investments Unlimited and was an avid reader. Survivors include his wife, Jeanne; and two sons.
VICTOR G. WOESTE ’59 of Eugene, Oregon, died March 1, 2021. At Ripon, he majored in economics and participated in WRPN radio, football, ROTC and Phi Kappa Pi. He later became a Partner in the Legacy.
I now have information to share regarding Alumni Weekend. Alumni Weekend 2021 will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen with two distinct summer weekends of Ripon alumni programming for us. No matter how you’d like to connect, virtually or in person, the Office of Constituent Engagement is developing a variety of activities to continue to follow CDC, Fond du Lac County and College guidelines in both June and August. Full schedules, lodging, and programming details will be posted soon to www.ripon.edu/alumni-weekend.
JUNE 2021
- In honor of our June Alumni Weekend traditions, virtual alumni programming will be held Tuesday, June 22 through Saturday, June 26, and will include: an alumni town hall, R Connections webinars, affinity socials, a summer book club, and special recognition of the 2020 and 2021 Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees.
- The only in-person event, the Doc Weiske ’50 Memorial Golf Scramble, will be held off-campus on Friday, June 25.
A combination of virtual and in-person Alumni Weekend programming will be held the first week of August. We will continue to evaluate the state of COVID-19. If circumstances change at the local and national level and we need to cancel in-person programming, that decision will be made and communicated by July 1, 2021.
- Virtual programming will be held Tuesday, August 3 through Saturday, August 7 and will include: a reunion-focused alumni town hall that also previews the new academic year, additional R Connections webinars, the summer book club capstone, and the traditional “That Was Then” storytelling session.
- In-person, on-campus programming will be held Friday, August 6 through Sunday, August 8 and will focus on alumni awards; 2020 and 2021 reunion celebrations including our Golden R Reunion, and will feature other outdoor events like Rally Run and prairie walk.
- Additionally, the Class of 2020 will officially be welcomed to our alumni community with a special commencement ceremony.
I look forward to hearing from more of you. Stay happy and healthy!
PO Box 793, Superior, Montana 59872
(760) 715-0580 / www.dmirisch.com