2005 – Fall ’19 Class Letter

Daphne Meyers Leigh

414-841-7210 / [email protected]

Amanda Zahn Przybyl

920-299-1081 / [email protected]


Hello Class of 2005! As I write this, I am finalizing all my Alumni Weekend plans — not because it’s OUR reunion year, but I’ll be there celebrating with the Class of ’04 as a spouse and as a scout for our own reunion in June 2020. 

Speaking of our 15-year reunion next year, we are still looking for more input to make next year’s event the best it can be! If you’re interested in helping out, reach out to Amanda or me or contact the Alumni Office.  

Finally, we didn’t receive any personal updates this time around, probably because we are all so connected already. Ripon has set up a more interactive, user-friendly platform for sharing updates right on their website at www.ripon.edu/rconnections. 

Feel free to contact myself or Amanda, or use the R Connections page to share your exciting news and updates. 

All the best,