1959 – Fall ’19 Class Letter

David Mirisch

[email protected]


Class of 1959: I am happy to say that at the age of 84, my wife, Sandy, and I made a major move. We moved back to Montana after four years of living in Thousand Oaks, California. Our daughter, Summer, became a single mom to children ages 4, 11 and 14. So big-city David moved from a city of 3,000,000 people to a town of just 800 people. But it is nice to know we are just one hour from Missoula, where the University of Montana is. Since I was in the “fundraising business” all of my life, I have offered my consultation services free of charge to any nonprofit in the territory that could use my help. So, when my three grandchildren are in school, I will stay occupied. The local paper ran an editorial on that and I received 14 inquiries. Plus,I am working with the local Chamber of Commerce, the hospital foundation, the high school and the 4H Club. So, when the three grandkids are in school, I should have plenty of things to keep me busy. Sure, I miss the big-city life, but “it’s all about family, isn’t it?” And, Montana is a beautiful state to live in. If you haven’t visited Montana, put it on your “bucket list.”

Stay happy and healthy.


KEN BENSON ’59 ([email protected]): “Wow! The years have been kind. Thank you for all of your accomplishments. You have helped Ripon’s image immensely! When I left Ripon, I was head waiter in the dining hall under Lucille Hawkinson and secretary in the music department under Charles Bolin, along with directing a church choir in the area. I went straight in to teaching music in the Gladstone Schools in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, a “little” north of Ripon in the U.P.  After a few years, I received my master’s from Northern Michigan University and switched to teaching fifth grade, which I thrived in, ending up as the school’s principal. Since retirement, I have continued in my local Kiwanis Club as their secretary for the last 20-some years. During that time, I served as the lieutenant governor for our district for seven years, all of that time remaining in Gladstone. We have two children, eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild who are scattered around the U.S. Like most of our classmates, we have long passed 50 years of marriage. Again, thank you for taking over for Roger.”