2007–Spring ’18 Class Letter

Class Agents:

Lindsey Kreye Heil

[email protected]

Adam Krueger

[email protected]

Stacy Krusa Teachout

[email protected]

Liz Leach Morrell

[email protected]


Spring 2018

Greetings Class of 2007!


We hope you are enjoying the beginning of the new year and that 2018 has been good to you thus far! We love hearing about your life updates including new jobs, marriage celebrations, children, career changes and any other information you’d like to share with your peers. Below are some updates that we’d like to share with you. As always, thanks for supporting your alma mater.


Keep in touch, 


Adam, Liz, Lindsey, and Stacy


Class Notes:

KATY GRIFFITHS ANDERSON ’07 of West Lafayette, Indiana, is working as a Registered Nurse at Indiana University Health Urgent Care in Lafayette. Her husband Tim completed his PhD in Entomology in August 2017 from Purdue University. They welcomed a son, Jorin Timothy, on December 2, 2017.  


BRYANT BEDNAREK ’07, of Berlin, Wisconsin, will be Assistant Principal of Wautoma High School starting the 2018-2019 school year.  

TYLER OTTO ’07 and ALISON KRINGS OTTO ’08 of Winneconne, Wisconsin, had a baby boy, Gordon Marshall Otto, on November 30, 2017. He weighed 2lbs, 13oz and measured 15 inches long.  Everyone is healthy and happy.  


REBECCA PERK BRUSCH ’07 of Charlotte, North Carolina, is a stay at home mom but recently joined Mamma Can Do It, a company that designs and sells PDF sewing patterns, as their head of marketing. She has been able to combine her passion for sewing while still staying home with her daughter.