In Memory of Mary Lou Combs ’63
MARY LOU COMBS ’63 of Wilmington, North Carolina, died Feb. 14, 2022. She attended Ripon and graduated from Oshkosh State University. She received her physical therapy degree while serving at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas, and was stationed in Germany during the Vietnam War. She served in the Army Medical Corps for four years and obtained the rank of captain. She earned a Master’s Degree from Ohio State University where she then worked as coach of the women’s basketball team and athletic trainer for the football team. She was chief physical therapist for the Nisonger Center for the state of Ohio; worked for the Orient State Institute for the developmentally disabled; and physical therapist for more than 30 years around Wisconsin. She also was a chaplain. She enjoyed traveling, gardening and her pets.
Full obituary:–Combs?obId=24023139#/obituaryInfo